About us > Quality and Safety Policy

Quality and Safety Policy



NUOVA GENERAL INSTRUMENTS SRL demonstrating its leadership and its commitment regarding the management system:

  1. assumes responsibility for the effectiveness of the management system;
  2. ensures the presence of objectives for Quality and Health & Safety at Work regarding the management system, these objectives shall be in compliance with the context and strategy of the Company;
  3. ensures the integration of the business management system requirements into the Company’s business processes;
  4. promotes the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking;
  5. ensures the availability of the resources necessary for the Company management system;
  6. communicates the importance of effective management for Quality and Health & Safety at Work, and compliance with the requirements of the Company management system;
  7. ensures that the Company management system achieves the expected results;
  8. actively participates, guiding and supporting people so that they contribute to the effectiveness of the Company management system;
  9. promotes improvement to increase the performance of Quality and Health & Safety at Work;
  10. provides support to other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership, as it applies to their respective areas of responsibility;
  11. undertakes to satisfy the mandatory requirements with particular reference to those relating to health & safety;
  12. undertakes to eliminate and minimize all forms of barriers and obstacles to the participation and consultation of workers;
  13. ensures safe and healthy workplaces and activities by committing to eliminate dangers and reduce risks to health & safety,
  14. undertakes to make known that the application of the D.E. 2014/68 / EU is mandatory since 19/07/2016 in the event that the safety valves are marketed within the European Community and that for this purpose it is a mandatory requirement to apply the requirements of Directive 2014/68 / EU defining the responsibilities, the technical contents and the documents of the SGQSSL. and their interrelation in compliance with the safety requirements imposed by the Directive and by the applicable modules.
  15. undertakes to inform that the application of the UK PRESSURE EQUIPMENT (SAFETY) REGULATIONS 2016 is mandatory from 01/01/2023 in the event that the safety valves are marketed in the UK and that for this purpose it is mandatory to apply the requirements of the PER directive defining the responsibilities, the technical contents and the documents of the SGQSSL. and their interrelation in compliance with the safety requirements imposed by the Directive and by the applicable modules.

The maintenance of compliance with these requirements subject to verification by the Notified Body is therefore the predominant factor in the technical and economic strategy of NUOVA GENERAL INSTRUMENTS SRL.

NUOVA GENERAL INSTRUMENTS SRL demonstrating its leadership and its commitment regarding the focus on clients, ensures that:

  1. customer requirements and applicable statutory requirements are determined, understood and met on a regular basis;
  2. the risks and opportunities that may affect the conformity of products and services and the ability to increase customer satisfaction are determined and addressed;
  3. the focus on increasing customer satisfaction is maintained.

For these objectives NUOVA GENERAL INSTRUMENTS SRL has enstablished, implements and maintains a Company policy that:

  1. is appropriate to the purposes and context of the organization as they have been analyzed and assessed in the Company Management System and supported by the strategic guidelines decided by the Board of Directors;
  2. is the reference framework for setting the objectives aimed at meeting the needs of all parties interested in the activity of NUOVA GENERAL INSTRUMENTS SRL in particular and of the Sant’Andrea Group;
  3. is the declaration of commitment to meet all requirements applicable in the context in which the Company and the Sant’Andrea Group operates and of interest to all parties involved;
  4. is the declaration of commitment for the continuous improvement of the Company management system.
  5. is available and maintained as documented information;
  6. is communicated, understood and applied within the organization;
  7. is available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate;
  8. includes a commitment to the continuous improvement of the Quality and Health & Safety at Work management system to increase the Quality and Health & Safety performance of workers.

In order to better evaluate the internal improvement and the satisfaction of the interested parties, indicators have been introduced that are periodically checked during the Management review, which are the basis for setting quantifiable objectives. These objectives defined by specific requirements are associated with a temporal achievement milestone and are verified at least once a year.

The adequacy of this document is assessed at least once a year by the Management on the occasion of the periodic review.

The Management also undertakes to release this policy to all Company levels, to make it visible outside the Company and to keep it updated through periodic reviews.


Patrizia Albertini

Pianello Val Tidone, 04 May 2022
